On July 17, 2023, OSHA released its final rule expanding its electronic recordkeeping and reporting requirements. As expected, the rule largely mimics OSHA’s 2022 proposal and takes effect January 1, 2024. The rule requires establishments with 100 or more employees in certain high-hazard industries, i.e., industry classification, to electronically submit information from their Form 300 (Log), Form 301(Incident Report), and Form 300-A (Summary) annually.
In addition, covered employers are required to include their legal company name when filing electronic submissions to OSHA. OSHA will make some of the data collected publicly available, believing that such public access will reduce occupational injuries and illnesses.
The final rule keeps the current requirements for electronic submission of Form 300A for establishments with 20-249 employees in high-hazard industries and for establishments with 250 or more employees that must keep OSHA injury and illness records.